
"In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. Hero myth pattern studies were popularized by Joseph Campbell who was influenced by Carl Jung's analytical psychology."

My interpretation of the hero's journey is the revolutionary quest of self-expression that ignites when we discover the courage within to move towards knowing, loving and healing ourselves, ultimately contributing to the healing of the collective consciousness. As we move towards the evolution of our higher selves, progressing from ego to universal love, together we can:

• alchemize pain into purpose  
• transmute trauma and suffering into deep awareness and acceptance
• practice letting go, forgiveness, and move forward

As we start to answer the call of the wild, we journey into the unknown depths of our inner worlds. Encountering guides and inspiration along the way, we may go through countless deaths, rebirths, and emotional turbulence but slowly we become spacious enough to hold it all - alongside the bliss and joy in this experience we call life. We all possess the courage to feel the full spectrum of what it means to be human. What emerges from our journey is a reflection of our collective desires, fears, pain, joy, love, and gratitude.

We begin to realize that what we were seeking lived within us all along and that knowing and loving oneself is the true treasure. People are born to love and create, develop intuition, conquer fear, and transmit the highest frequency of all - the expression of our gifts.

The hero's journey studio sustainable art fashion collections are a functional expression of wearable art meant to be worn doing all the activities that bring me joy, connection, and healing: yoga, meditation, writing, surfing, swimming, skateboarding, and snowboarding. Creating a company with my art being the spotlight is my hero's journey so thank you for being a witness to my self-expression, self-acceptance and self-love. My goal is that my journey ignites the fire that is in each and every one of us and we remember our divine right to be here exactly as we are, doing what we love as the fullest expression of ourselves.